Meet The League
Post Doctoral Fellows
Post-Doctoral Research: Electrochemical CO2 capture and reduction & H2 production
Project Description:
CO2 capture with electrodialysis unit and its reduction into Ethylene in continuous manner
Capturing the CO2 directly from air with the help of ionic liquids
Production of H2 by water electrolysis, assisted by biochar
2020 - Best paper presentation award in IOSCRT-2020 - Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
2020 - Best paper presentation award in STWTD–2020 - NIT Calicut, India.
2021 - Best paper presentation award in BEST-2021 - Arunai Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India.
Scholarship by the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS).
International travel grant from SERB, Govt. of India.
PhD in Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India (2017-2021) (Thesis: Electrochemical Treatment of Wastewater Containing Nitrogenous Compounds)
JRF at IISER, Bhopal, India (2017)
M.Tech in Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India (2014-2016)
B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, India (2009-2013)
Post-Doctoral Research: Decarbonization of Cement and CO2 reduction to Ethylene
Project Description:
Developing high-throughput testing strategies for process and concrete optimization
Developing a microreactor for Distributed Direct Air Capture with Rapid Mineral Carbonation (DDAC-REACT)
Mechanistic Understanding and model development for Calcium dissolution in Ammonium Chloride solution
2021- Best paper presentation award in CHEMPLUS 2021- IIT Madras-India
2020- Best poster award in Indo-German Workshop -Max Planck Society-Germany
2015 - OUCT alumni scholarship award- Osmania University-India
2013-2016 Prime minister scholarship – Govt. of India
Application Engineer-Intern, Atonarp Microsystem Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, India (2022)
PhD in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India (2018 - 2022) (Thesis: Role of kinetics and transport processes in a sustainable process for recovering metals as value added products from e-waste)
M.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India (2016 - 2018)
Apprentice Engineer, Technoforce Solutions Pvt Ltd, Nashik, India (2016)
B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India (2012 - 2016)
Post-Doctoral Research: High-Throughput (HT) Screening of CO2 Capture and Crystallization Enabled by Machine Learning
Project Description:
Deployment of Fully-Automated Continuous-Flow Microfluidic Device for High-throughput Screening of Crystallization
Development of electrochemical cell for efficient CO2 capture and utilization
“Innovative PhD Thesis Award” by Homi Bhabha National Institute, 2019, Mumbai, India.
Winner of “Innovation Hackathon Challenge” at Whirlpool of India Limited, 2020, Pune, India
“Innovation Ambassador” for Q2 at Whirlpool of India Limited, 2022, Pune, India.
Awarded French Embassy in India Scholarship for pursuing Master (M2) Nuclear Engineering at University of Paris, France.
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) fellowship for pursuing PhD at Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India.
Senior CAE Specialist, Whirlpool of India Ltd., Pune, India (Feb’ 2019-Oct’ 2022)
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Chemical Engineering, J B Joshi Research Foundation, Mumbai, India (Oct’2016 - Jan’2019)
PhD in Engineering, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, India (Aug’2011 - Aug’2016) (Thesis title: Design and simulation of Passive Decay Heat Removal System for Advanced Heavy Water Reactor)
M.Tech in Nuclear Science & Technology, Delhi University, India (Aug’2008 - Aug’2011)
M2 Nuclear Engineering, CEA INSTN & University of Paris, France (Aug’2009 - Aug’2010)
B.Sc Physics, Delhi University, India (Aug’2005 - Aug’2008)
Ph.D. Students
Ph.D. Thesis: Automated High-Throughput Screening of Porous Crystalline Frameworks for Understanding Thermodynamic and Kinetics of Formation
Project Description:
Understanding the kinetics and underlying mechanism of polymerization of various metal- and covalent-organic frameworks (MOFs and COFs)
Designing novel techniques to fabricate MOF thin films on solid and porous substrates and deploy them for gas separation and electrocatalytic applications
Developing high-throughput screening platform for MOFs and High-Entropy materials (HE alloys and HE MOFs) – Synthesis and Characterization
Research Assistant, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), PA, USA (2017 - 2019)
M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Rutgers University, NJ, USA (2016 - 2018)
Process Engineer, Toyo Engineering, India (2014 - 2016)
B. E. in Chemical Engineering, TSEC, Mumbai University, India (2010 - 2014)
Ph.D. Thesis: Microkinetic and Multi-Scale Modeling for Synthesis and Analysis of Crystals
Project Description:
Microkinetic Modeling for synthesis of Metal Organic Frameworks
Multi-Scale Modeling for understanding the mechanisms of antisolvent and oiling out crystallization
Experiential Summer Intern, AbbVie, North Chicago, IL (2023)
Project Associate, IIT Madras, India (2019 - 2020)
M.Tech. in Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India (2017 - 2019)
B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India (2012 - 2016)
Ph.D. Thesis: CO2 Capture and Utilization
Project Description:
Development of novel carbon capture technologies
Valorization of Methane to Methanol
Integrated technologies for CO2 capture to value added fuels
Data Scientist, STL Tech, Pune, India, 2019-2020
M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India, 2017-2019
B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, India, 2013-2017

Ishita Goyal
Ph.D. Thesis: Decarbonization of C-N compounds
Project Description:
Electrochemical Synthesis of Urea: Electrocatalyst synthesis and electrochemical cell development
High-pressure ammonia synthesis: Electrochemical synthesis of Ammonia using Nitrogen at high pressure
B. Tech. (Honors) in Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NIT Surathkal), India (2018-2022)

Yancun Qi
Ph.D. Thesis: N2 oxidation and reduction
Project Description:
Electrochemical Synthesis of Nitrogen gas: Electrocatalyst synthesis and electrochemical cell development
High-pressure Nitrogen synthesis
M. Sc., Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, (Fall 2021 - Spring 2023)
B. Sc., Environmental Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology (Fall 2017 - 2021)